It’s very easy to forget the things that matter most to us. These days we’re obsessed with Netflix, TikTok, taking selfies and social media but actually none of those things really matter very much, do they? They may offer a mild diversion from our chores but they’re also a distraction and a time-waster. The community…
10 Netflix Series You Need To Binge Watch Now #StayHome
As more cities are implementing community quarantine and partial or total lockdown, most of us are advised to stay at home. This may not be new to those of us who work from home but it would surely feel different for those who are used to working in offices, in establishments and private companies that…
Journal With Me – How To Start A Journaling Habit Today
I’ve been brainstorming a lot lately and I’ve come up with a daily theme for my blog and on Mondays, I’m going to share Motivational Quotes, my Self-Improvement series or Journal with Me. And today, it’s my first ever Journal with Me post! Exciting! I’m a huge fan of Abbey Sy and I’ve been participating…
Self Improvement Series: 105 Motivational Quotes To Inspire You To Live Your Best Life
Want to be happy? Stop trying to be perfect. – Brené Brown All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them. – Walt Disney Too many people spend money they haven’t earned, to buy things they don’t want, to impress people they don’t like. – Will Rogers I make myself rich by making…
Self Improvement Series: When Was The Last Time You Astonished Yourself?
“Know your limits, then ignore them.” Time doesn’t have wings, but it sure does fly! Can you believe it’s already February. A new month calls for a new series and today I’m excited to share with you a new series I’m going to try (and commit to) to write every day. In January, I started…
Hitting The Reset Button In 2020
“When we feel the constriction of being pulled a million directions at once, when we feel the disappointment of ourselves or the ones we love when we’re unable to show up in the way we intended or perhaps had previous planned to, when we feel the direction of the day going in a way we…
What I’ve Learned from 8 Years of Writing for a Living
I was reading What Life Is Like When You Make $25,000 a Month from Writing by Tim Denning and it really inspired me to write about my experience writing for 8 happy years. I can’t remember when I first loved writing but even when I was still a child, I loved writing letters to my…
Journey To A Cleaner Pantry with 7Grains Co.
Cooking is something I really love doing which is why I’m always on the lookout for different products to try to whip up new recipes. As I was searching for a lip tint in BeautyMNL, I stumbled on their Wellness category and saw 7grains Co. products. I use Bragg’s Liquid Aminos in my recipes so…
Should You or Should You Not Vent About Your Stress?
“Venting is the world’s way of handling negative emotions, it’s not God’s way.” – Life on Pupose Venting is something very common that most people do whenever they’re stressed, have problems or when they’re hurt. I know this because I also like to vent. Not to people (most of the time) but on my journal…
Top 7 Massage & Spa in Butuan
Getting a massage is one of my favourite things to do to relax and de-stress. I have been very busy with work for the past months and the constant bus travels are taking a toll on my body, which is why I’ve been dying to get a massage when we arrived home. I’m so fortunate…